The University of Colorado - Colorado Springs, CO 

2025 Winter Course Schedule and  Registration for Students and Trainees

Special Notice and Prices!

· Early Bird rate is $85/day through November 1st, 2024, includes breakfast and lunch.

· Regular rate is $90/day through December 20th, 2024, includes breakfast and lunch.

·Late registration rate is $100/day after December 20th, 2024, includes breakfast and lunch.

· Additional fee has been added to the field sessions and courses with extra materials:
   (Field courses: L-381, S-130/190, Extra Materials: L-280, S-290)

· Schedule is subject to change; additional classes may be added.

· Session A or B indicate multiple offerings of a course, you do not need to attend both.

· Cancellation Policy - A full refund will be given up until 3 weeks prior (December 20th) to the start date of the Academy. Cancellations after the 3 weeks will be charged $30 per class day (example: 3-day class = $90 fee). No refunds will be given for “No Shows”. Please contact the Coordinator for substitutions or changes to your registration. All Cancellations must be made by email request to [email protected].

January Course Offerings

Click Here for Course Descriptions 

FEMA All-Hazard Courses

Add a description here

L-952: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Public Information Officer

Cancelled ** To be rescheduled for MARCH 2025

L-958: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Operations Section Chief (OPSC)

January 7- 10    (4 Days)

L-969: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML)

Cancelled **To be rescheduled for MARCH 2025 

Skills Specific Courses 

Click Here for Course Descriptions

233: Fireline Paramedic

January 6 - 7   (2 Days)

AFT: Aerial Fire Attack

January  8 - 9   (2 Day)  **** Schedule Change

CCBB/ RXB3: Certified Burner & Intro to Agency Burn Boss

January 10 - 12 ** Certified Burner   (1 Day), RXB3   (2 Days)

CWMBP: Community Wildfire Best Practices Training

January 8- 10 **Taught by Coalitions and Collaboratives

IROC: Incident Resource Ordering Capabilities 

January 11 - 12 (2 Days)

MIT 101: Mitigation 101


RS: Responder Strong Mental Health Train the Trainer

January 9  (1 Day) session A
January 10 (1 Day) session B

SM: Social Media Workshop

January 10  (1 Day)

Tech: Field Maps For Operations

Session A: January 8   (1 Day)
Session B: January 9  (1 Day)

NWCG Courses
**Multiple sessions offered only choose one**

Click Here for Course Descriptions

D-110: Expanded Dispatch Recorder with Intro to IROC

January 8 - 10   (3 Days)

FI-110: Wildland Fire Observations & Origin Scene Protection for First Responders

January 6   (1 Day)

ICS-300: Advanced ICS for Supervisors & Expanding Incidents 

January 6 - 8   (3 Days)

ICS 400: Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents

January 9 - 10   (2 Days)

L-280: Followship to Leadership

Session A: January 8 - 9   (2 Days)
Session B: January 11 - 12  (2 Days)

N9062: e-ISUITE

January 7 - 9    (3 Days)

S-130/190: Firefighter Training & Intro to Wildland Fire Behavior

January 6 - 10    (5 Days) Session A
Janaury 6 - 10   (5 Days) Session B

S-130/190 Blended Review & Field Day: Firefighter Training 

January 6 - 7   (2 Days) *Online modules must be completed to attend

S-131: Firefighter Type 1

Session A: January 6 - 7   (2 Days)
Session B: January 11 - 12   (2 Days)
Session C: January 6 - 7  (2 Days)  

S-200: Initial Attack Incident Commander

Session A: January 7- 8   (2 Days)
Session B: January 11 - 12  (2 Days)

S-203: Introduction to Incident Information

January 6 - 9   (4 Days)

S-215: Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface

Session A: January 6 - 8   (3 Days)
Session B: January 10 - 12  (3 Days)

S-219: Firing Operations

Session A: January 9 - 10   (2 Days)
Session B: January 11 - 12  (2 Days)

S-230: Crew Boss

Session A: January 6 - 8  (3 Days)
Session B: January 8 - 10  (3 Days)
Session C: January 6 - 8  (3 Days)

S-231: Engine Boss

Session A: January 9 - 10  (2 Days)
Session B: January 11 - 12   (2 Days)
Session C: January 9 - 10  (2 Days)

S-236: Heavy Equipment Boss

Session A: January 6 - 8  (3 Days)
Session B: January 10 - 12  (3 Days)

S-260: Interagency Incident Business Management

January 6 - 8  (3 Days)

S-261: Applied Interagency Incident Business Management

January 9 - 11 (3 Days)

S-270: Basic Air Operations

Session A: January 6 - 7  (2 Days)
Session B: January 11 - 12  (2 days)

S-290: Anticipating Wildland Fire Behavior (Blended Course)

**Must complete all online prework before arrival to class, no exceptions. 
Session A: January 6 - 7  (2 Days in person)
Session B: January 8 -  9  (2 Days in person)

S-300: Extended Attack, Incident Commander

January 9 - 11   (3 Days)

S-330: Task Force/ Strike Team Leader

Session A: January 6 - 8  (3 Days)
Session B: January 6 - 8   (3 Days)

S-339: Division/ Group Supervisor

January 6 - 8   (3 Days) 

S-359: Medical Unit Leader

January 8 - 10   (3 Days)


**Will be held at the Marriott in Colorado Springs

L-381: Incident Leadership

February 3 - 7 (5 Days)  

L-975: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Finance/ Administration Unit Leader

February 5 -  7   (3 Days)

FNWSP: Finance Workshop

February 3 - 6    (4 Days)

S-390: Fire Environment Assessment & Fire Behavior Estimation (Blended 36 hours)

**Must complete the online work before arrival in class, no exceptions. 
February 3 - 7   (4.5 Days)  **Schedule Changes NEW flat rate $450

O-305: Type 3 All-Hazards Incident Management Team

February 3 - 7 ** Being held at the Marriott in Colorado Springs**