2025 Summer Academy

Address: Colorado Mountain College, Glenwood, Co

Check-In: You must check-in prior to attending class. Check-in will begin Sunday, from 1500-1800 and every day thereafter from 0630-1730.

Breakfast: 06:30- 09:00 Daily

Morning Briefing: Daily at 0715, Location TBD

Class Starts: Daily @ 0800 promptly 

May Courses

Trinchera Ranch, Fort Garland CO
                    Flat rate: $450

S-212: Wildland Fire Chainsaws 

*Lunch only is included  

June Classes

Glenwood, CO

--------Skills Specific Courses------------

MIT 101: Mitigation 101

June 2

ROHVA: Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association Basic Driver Course

June 3 (Session A)
June 4 (Session B)
June 5 (Session C)

RS: Responder Strong Train-the-Trainer

June 5

Tech: Operational Mobile Mapping Apps

June 3 (Session A)
June 4 (Session B)

--------NWCG Courses-----------

FI-210: Wildland Fire Origin & Cause Determination

June 2-6

L-280: Followership to Leadership

June 4-5

CWMBP: Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices (short course)

June 3-5

S-130/190: Firefighting Training & Intro to Wildland Fire Behavior (5-day)

June 2-6

S-130/190 FD: Basic Firefighting Review & Field Day Only (2-Day) *Online modules must be completed to attend

June 2-3

RT-130: Wildland Fire fighter Refresher Course

June 6

S-131: Firefighter Type 1 

June 2-3 (Session A)
June 4-5 (Session B) 

S-211: Portable Pumps & Water Use

June 4-6

S-215: Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface

June 4-6

S-219: Firing Operations

June 2-3

S-230: Crew Boss, Single Resource

June 2-4

S-231: Engine Boss, Single Resource

June 5-6

S-260: Interagency Incident Business Management

June 2-4

S-270: Basic Air Operations

June 2-3

S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior 

June 2-3 (Session A)
June 4-5 (Session B)

2025 Summer Course Schedule

      Class Instructions
              & Prework
        for Students Below

Skills Specific Courses

MIT 101: Mitigation 101

Course Description:
This introductory course offers a foundational training experience tailored for professionals in the field of mitigation and wildfire management. This immersive one-day program aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of concepts, resources, and terminology crucial to navigating the intricacies of community wildfire mitigation. This course is intended as a precursor to Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices (CWMBP) if students are interested in taking that course as well. Participants can expect to leave Mitigation 101 with a heightened Awareness of wildfire mitigation and awareness of: Community Wildfire Mitigation Terminology, Introduction to Fire Behavior and Response, Policies, Plans, and Funding, The Players and Programs, Taking Action in Communities and on Landscapes and Ongoing Learning Opportunities. Prerequisites: watch pre-work video. 

RS: Responder Strong Train-the-Trainer

Course Description:
The Train the Trainer workshop is based upon a detailed instructor manual designed to support facilitators, provides on-line access to updated materials, and allows for deeper discussion of the: - Research and data regarding prevalence of stress injury among our population - Stress injury model and cumulative stress - Suicidality- how it develops and how to create effective intervention and prevention - Impacts of the job on families and ways to mitigate -Proven practices to improve resilience and better manage stress -Additional resources and solutions to supplement local options Prerequisites: none.

ROHVA: Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Basic Driving Course

Please bring/complete the following mandatory item:
You will be in working outside during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!!

Prerequisites: Completion of Online pre-work

You must complete the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle E-Course at www.rohva.org prior to class

Clothing and Safety Equipment

Helmet (full face or 3/4 DOT approved), gloves, over the ankle boots, long sleeves, pants and eye protection (Riding helmets are NOT available for check-out.

UTV Vehicle 

IF AVAILABLE, BRING A GOOD WORKING UTV. If your department has a UTV please bring it.
If you cannot provide one, you will pay the extra fee for us to rent one for you. You must register by May 1st if you cannot provide your own.

Tech Class: Field Mapping Tools for Operations

Course Description:
This hand-on course provides an introduction to using mobile applications in the field such as ArcGIS Field Maps (replaces Collector), Survey123, among others. Students will spend time in a classroom session and engage in outdoor exercises that demonstrate methods to work in offline environments. Students will also learn troubleshooting skills. Prerequisites: All students need COWIMS and NIFC ArcGIS Online accounts BEFORE the course. Please reach out if you have any issues with these accounts.


Please bring the following mandatory items to class:
You will be in working outside during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!

Register for a NIFC ArcGIS Online Account


Bring a mobile device - smartphone or tablet

Internet and power will be available in class

NWCG Courses

FI-210: Wildland Fire Cause Origin & Determination

Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare an individual for basic fire investigation responsibilities in the area of origin and cause determination. Students successfully completing this course will receive full credit for FI-210 as required by NWCG certification standards. Prerequisites: Law Enforcement Officer or 1 year experience as a firefighter.


Completion of pre-work:

The Pre-Course Work module and exam are available in the NWCG Wildland Fire Learning Portal (WFLP) https://wildlandfirelearningportal.net/course/view.php?id=987. You will need to register separately on the WFLP to access the Pre-Course Work. 

Required Equipment 

Leather lug sole boots (no hiking boots) - Leather gloves – Fire Shelter - Clipboard or Tatum ** Nomex pants & shirt – eye protection hard hat with chin strap

Clothing and Equipment Check-out

If your agency does not provide clothing and equipment, these items (does not include boots), can be checked out from the academy supply through logistics.

Optional Equipment:

NFPA#921 Guide for Fire & Explosion Investigations (Order at www.nfpa.org) - Belt Weather Kit or Kestrel - GPS unit or compass – Laptop computer – Digital Camera (These are not required but very helpful for class)

L-280: Followership to Leadership

Course Description:
This training course is designed as a self-assessment opportunity for those stepping into a leadership role. One-day of classroom followed by a field day with students working through a series of problem-solving events in small teams. Topic areas include: Leadership values & principles; transition challenges for new leaders; situational leadership; team cohesion factors; & ethical decision-making. Prerequisites: Experience on incident assignments in operations or support functions & L-180.

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:
You will be in working outside during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!!

Required Equipment

Field exercise - Sturdy footwear (boots are best, fire approved boots are not required - NO open-toed shoes) & comfortable clothing

CWMBP: Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices

Course Description:
This 3-day short course is a national-level training from Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. (COCO) and the USDA Forest Service. This course encompasses all 12 original training modules, addressing a wide range of topics, from Community Wildfire Protection Plans to Community Engagement. In addition, it now includes extra case studies, detailed tactical decision-making information, scenarios and wildfire mitigation planning tailored to the fire service professionals and their professional development. This workshop is designed to help participants navigate the unique challenges faced by wildland-urban interface communities. The course will guide you in discerning ineffective practices, making room for more effective approaches, with a strong emphasis on on-the-ground mitigation activities. We explore partnership building best practices, identify traits of effective partnerships, funding challenges, home site visits, leveraging community mitigation, codes and ordinances and the role of insurance.
If you are interested in getting the Incident Qualification and Certification System (IQCS) N9073 Training Certificate, you must complete pre-work, attend and actively participate in both days of training, and complete a Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) within two weeks of course completion.
Step one register through the CWFIMA site. Step two - your registration for this class is not complete until you receive additional instructions from a COCO representative and fill out the additional paperwork to confirm acceptance into the course.
Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

NFES #1077 Incident Response Pocket Guide

will be available for purchase.

S-130/190 (5-Day):
Firefighter Training & Intro to Fire Behavior

Course Description: 
This introductory course is designed to train entry-level firefighters referred to as a Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2). You will be introduced to & gain knowledge of the basic incident management organization, firefighting techniques, suppression equipment, safety, strategy/tactics along with fire behavior. Field exercises will be performed for valuable hands-on training. Includes L-180. Prerequisites: None.
Please bring the following mandatory items to class:
You will be in working outside during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!!

Required items for field session:

Leather boots with lug soles – (work boots or good hiking boots are fine) Nomex pants & shirt – Field pack - Hard hat (with chin strap) - Leather gloves - Eye protection

Clothing and Equipment Check-out

If your agency does not provide clothing and equipment, these items (does not include boots), can be checked out from the academy supply through logistics.

Overnight Field Day

Overnight tent and sleeping bag needed! Come prepared for the weather!

S-130/190 (2-Day):
Blended Review & Field Day for online course
*Prework Required

Course Description:
This two-day class assists those students taking the online S-130/190 course with the necessary classroom review & field work to successfully complete the class for NWCG certification.
Prerequisites: successful completion of online S-130/190 and L-180 modules (approx. 24 hours online) prior to attending 2-day class.

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:
You will be in working outside during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!!

Required document copies for field session:

Bring copies of L-180, S-130 & S-190 completed module certificates and give to instructor (you must complete all prior to attendance)

Required items for field session:

Leather boots with lug soles – (work boots or good hiking boots are fine) Nomex pants & shirt – Field pack - Hard hat (with chin strap) - Leather gloves - Eye protection

Clothing and Equipment Check-out

If your agency does not provide clothing and equipment, these items (does not include boots), can be checked out from the academy supply through logistics.

NFES #1077 Incident Response Pocket Guide

will be available for purchase.

S-131: Firefighter Type 1

Course Description: 

This course is designed to the meet the needs of an advanced Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1). The course is interactive & contains several tactical decision games designed to facilitate learning the objectives & class discussion. Topics include: Fireline reference materials, communications & tactical decision making. Prerequisites: Qualified as FFT2.

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

NFES #1077 Incident Response Pocket Guide

will be available for purchase.

S-211: Portable Pumps and Water Use

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to design, setup, operate, troubleshoot, and shut down portable water delivery systems. The focus is on portable pumps – it does not address water delivery for engines. Topics covered include: portable water delivery systems; equipment; roles and responsibilities; and system design and hydraulics. There is also a field exercise where students will apply what they learned in the classroom. Prerequisites: None.


Please bring the following mandatory items to class: You will be in working outside during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!!

Required items for field session:

Leather boots with lug soles – (work boots or good hiking boots are fine) Nomex pants & shirt – Field pack - Hard hat (with chin strap) - Leather gloves - Eye protection

Clothing and Equipment Check-out

If your agency does not provide clothing and equipment, these items (does not include boots), can be checked out from the academy supply through logistics.

Optional Equipment

Agency Engine (Type 6 or 4). Please notify the academy if you are able to bring an engine.

S-212: Wildland Fire Chainsaws
*Prework Required

Course Description:
This is an instructor-led course intended to be presented at the local level. The course lessons provide introduction to the function, maintenance and use of internal combustion engine powered chainsaws, and their tactical wildland fire application. Field exercises support entry level training for firefighters with little or no previous experience in operating a chainsaw, providing hands-on cutting experience in surroundings similar to fireline situations. Prerequisites: Completion of Prework

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:
You will be in working outside for 3 days during this class make sure you are prepared for the weather!!


Read the S-212 Chainsaw Glossary of Terms to become familiar with terminology used in this course.

Required Equipment

Nomex pants & shirts - Leather lug sole boots(no hiking boots) - Leather gloves – ear protection – eye protection – hard hat w/strap Highly recommended: Bug repellant – Sun Screen – Rain gear

Clothing and Equipment Check-out

If your agency does not provide clothing and equipment, these items (does not include boots), can be checked out from the academy supply through logistics.

Optional equipment:

Working chainsaw, max bar length appropriate for saw, must have chain break & spark arrester. 3-5 pound falling axe & wedges. – Chainsaw chaps (must overlap boot 2”, clean with no cuts). Field Maintenance Tool Kit: files – flat & found, file guide, combination tools, depth gauge tool, extra chain & starter cord, bar nuts & spark plugs, E-clip.

S-215: Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface

Course Description:
Instructional units include firefighter safety in the interface, managing human factors in the interface, pre-incident planning, size-up & initial strategy, structure triage, structure protection overview, tactics in the interface, tactical operations & resource use in the interface, action assessment, plan update, & after-action review. Prerequisites: FFT1 qualified.
Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

NFES #1077 Incident Response Pocket Guide

will be available for purchase.

S-219: Firing Operations

Course Description:
This course was developed using a blended approach to learning. Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course prior to taking the ILT. The course introduces the roles and responsibilities of a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB), and outlines duties of other personnel who may engage firing operations. The course discusses and illustrates common firing devices and techniques.
Prerequisites: a minimum of FFT2 qualified and RT-130. **Students seeking (FIRB) certification must successfully complete, ICS-200, S-230, S-290 and RT-130.
Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

Completion of pre-work

Complete online training in the Wildland Fire Learning Portal (WFLP): https://wildlandfirelearningportal.net/login/index.php
If you don’t have an account please create one immediately, sometimes it can take time to approve the accounts.

S-230: Crew Boss (Single Resource)
*Prework Required

Course Description:
This is a classroom course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of duties associated with the single resource boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Topics include operational leadership, preparation & mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety & tactics, offline duties, demobilization, & post incident responsibilities.
Prerequisites: S-290 & FFT1 qualified
Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

Completion of pre-work

Complete the Student Profile Form and bring to class 

Completion of pre-work

Complete the pre-course work questionnaire. You will need to use the NWCG Incident Response Pocket Guide, PMS 461. Bring completed questionnaire to class.

NFES #1077 Incident Response Pocket Guide

will be available for purchase.

S-231: Engine Boss
*Prework Required

Course Description:
This is a skill course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of the duties associated with engine boss, single resource (ENGB). Topics include engine & crew capabilities & limitations, information sources, fire size-up considerations, tactics, & wildland/urban interface. Prerequisites: S-230 & FFT1 qualified.
Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

NFES #1077 Incident Response Pocket Guide

will be available for purchase.

S-260:  Interagency Incident Business Management

Course Description:
Discusses business management principles associated with incidents. This course includes employee responsibilities & conduct; recruitment personnel time recording; pay & commissary; correct reporting procedures for injuries; procurement & equipment time recording; property documentation; cooperative agreements with other agencies; claims/accident investigations. Prerequisites: none.

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

NFES #2160 Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook

please download from https://www.nwcg.gov/sites/default/files/publications/pms902.pdf An electronic copy will be provided.

Laptop computer 

Electronic documents will be available for review. Internet and Power will be provided in the classroom.

S-270: Basic Air Operations

Course Description:
This course offers information on the uses of aircraft in fire suppression and provides instruction on how to conduct oneself in and around aircraft. It will familiarize the trainee with tactical and logistical uses of aircraft in fire suppression, as well as describe the specifications for helicopter landing areas. Prerequisites: None.

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

Completion of pre-work

Read the Basic Aviation Safety publication to become familiar with important terms and concepts.

S-290:  Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior
*Prework Required

Course Description:
This fire behavior course provides students with the knowledge of wildland fuels & fire behavior to make safe & effective fire management decisions on prescribed & wildland fires. **You will be required to complete multiple hours of prework on the WFLP prior to your arrival. You MUST complete it before you arrive in class or you will not be eligible to take the final exam necessary to receive a certification. Please be sure that you have a valid email address to ensure you get all the communications necessary for this course. Prerequisites: S-130/190, must complete the WFLP prework after your acceptance in the class.

Please bring the following mandatory items to class:

Bring a Laptop

Instructors will follow your prework progress online and communicate with you along the way!

Completion of pre-work

Complete the pre-course work On Wildland Fire Learning Portal

Complete the pre-selection assessment (.docx) (pre-qualifying test). You must obtain a score of 70% or higher to pass the pre-selection assessment in order to attend the course.